Monday, July 13, 2009

Travel insurance varies widely from company to company

The U.S. Travel Insurance Association has recently reminded people that “travel coverage varies widely by company.” Beore assuming that a travel insurance policy will or will not cover a situation, the travel insurance organization is urging everyone to “check with their individual travel insurance company and carefully review their policy to see what is covered.”

Mos travel insurance companies that offer trip cancellation and interruption policies will cover cover travelers who contract the swine flu before traveling and while on a trip, as well as travelers quarantined prior to or while on a trip, but, “coverage does not include fear of traveling to a specific region, and generally there is no coverage for cancellation due to government regulations or advisories to specific regions.” These plans also do not cover you because you fear going to Mexico because of the swine or H1N1 flu.

You should know that the swine flu outbreak hasn’t been officially declared a full epidemic or pandemic. If one is declared, most insurance policies specifically “exclude any loss due to pandemic or epidemic,” and do not consider epidemics and pandemics natural disasters.

Some travel insurance plans offer a “cancel for any reason” option that allows travelers who have purchased policies to cancel their trip due to personal choice or concern due to government advisories. It is a great options that is available from Travel Guard via TFG Global Travel

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