Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Health Insurers Will Prevail

Timothy P. Carney, a columnist with the Washington Examiner, recently penned an article about the pending health care reform proposals that are being debated. Mr. Carney’s speculation is that the health insurance companies will win at the end of the day and their proposal will be accepted by Obama and his administration.

The health insurers plight has been championed by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a trade group that has been more than $4 Million over the past 6 months lobbying for their cause.

The key points in AHIPs proposal include:

  1. Health insurers must cover everybody who is willing to purchase health insurance coverage, regardless of pre-existing or other health conditions
  2. Health insurers would agree to charge customers the same monthly premium regardless of age or health status
  3. Health insurance would be compulsory - All Americans would be required to purchase and maintain health insurance coverage, whether via an employer group, Association, or an individual health insurance plan.
  4. The Government would subsidize people’s health insurance premiums

Obama’s plan no longer calls for a “single-payer” environment, but rather a marketplace where the federal Government would compete with private health insurance companies for membership.

The heavy lobbying and campaign contributions put forth by health insurers make them very influential and in the end might help them get their way in this important health care reform debate.

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