Take this with a grain of salt - salt in the wound, that is. In viewing a video presentation for the Wisconsin State Bar Continuing Legal Education Seminars addressing handling personal injury lawsuits in Wisconsin, I noted this gem by panel expert insurance defense attorney Ron Pezze, Jr.: while discussing insurers' lack of preparation for Court ordered mediations, Pezze stated "they think, well, we'll have enough time to talk about it when they're TWISTING THE ARM OF THE PLAINTIFF ..."
So, that's the way they are thinking about you and your injury claim. Nice thought, inflicting more pain on the victim who is attempting to attain a fair recovery for their injuries.
Of course, this is but a turn of phrase, if you will, but it belies the mentality and intent of the tactics employed by insurers in dealing with injury palintiffs. It's not about you, your injuries and your sufferring - its about oppressing you to save the insurance company's dollars.
The plaintiff's bar has long been stigmatized and denigrated as "ambulance chasers" and "vultures" by those morally superior silk stockings defense firms. I guess I just don't agree that harming the victim is a higher-ground approach.
So, in case you are still wondering if they intend to play fair with you and your injury claim, don't count on it.
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