Monday, June 22, 2009

Heatwave hits the UK

Wahoo! The hot weather is finally here. I love warm weather – you can’t beat sat in a park, or in the garden with a cold drink taking in some sunrays. It’s not often that we get warm weather here in the North of England, so you have to make the most of it.

Heatwave hits the UK

It annoys me though when you hear people complaining about the nice weather – with some people you can’t win, and these are probably the same people that complain when it’s cold and it rains.

Since we are having a heatwave I thought I would leave a some tips to ensure that you keep yourself and your family healthy during the warm weather.

- Wear a hat and cover up with loose clothing.
- Sunglasses with UV filters will protect your eyes.
- Protect children and babies from direct sunlight.
- Cover children and babies with hats and long sleeves and apply SPF 25 (or higher)
- Babies under 12 months should be kept out of the sun.
- Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day.
- Drink plenty of water to balance the loss of body fluid through perspiration.
- Reguarly check on any elderly relatives to make sure that they are well.

There’s nothing worse then sat on a bus or train sweating like a pig, so buy a hand-held fan, or sweatband, or better still a spray bottle of water which is a great way to keep cool. Have fun but make sure you wear plenty of high factor sun cream!

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